Adolescent CPR 30:2

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bdig 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    In adolescents, I believe the CPR ratio is 30:2 – the same ratio for everyone not a baby and not in a healthcare setting.



    You’re right. Thanks for the catch. Here’s the updated section:


    Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a low-yield topic because guidelines are always changing.

    * SINGLE RESCUER CPR FOR BABIES: Provide compressions and breaths at a ratio of 30:2 to minimize transition times. Also, COMPRESSIONS are more important than breaths.

    * DOUBLE RESCUER CPR FOR BABIES: Provide compressions and breaths at a ratio of 15:1 (15 compressions for every breath).

    * ADOLESCENTS: 30:2 regardless of the number of rescuers.

    * PEARL: Guidelines have changed, but the key is to remember that it’s becoming more and more important to focus on high quality chest compressions to get the blood flowing rather than focusing on breaths.



    can i piggyback on this as general question regarding CPR (not just adolescents)?

    in the past, “airway” first has always been the correct answer…with current AHA guidelines, we’re taught “CAB” (instead of “ABC”)…what’s “correct” for the 2012 boards?



    I suspect (and I think Ashish alludes to this in the guide) that ABC is still the order to use for now.  CAB should be the rule going forward, but it’s too recent, I believe, to be tested.

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